13 Foods to Avoid After Bariatric Surgery

13 Worst Foods You MUST Avoid After Gastric Sleeve

Undergoing bariatric surgery is a significant decision for those looking to achieve weight loss. After the surgery, it’s crucial to be careful about your dietary intake to ensure that you maximize the benefits of the procedure while avoiding complications. To help you follow the right dietary guidelines, here are 13 foods you must avoid after bariatric surgery.

13 Worsts Foods to Avoid After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

1. Candy Bars and Sweets

Candy bars and sugary treats can sabotage your dietary goals, especially after a gastric sleeve. These refined snacks are packed with sugar and offer minimal nutritional benefits. Moreover, candies don’t keep you full for long, leading to recurring hunger and the temptation to snack again soon after.

Why to avoid: High sugar content, offers no nutritional benefits, and doesn’t satisfy hunger.
Alternative: Bariatric-friendly protein bars such as Fluffy Nutter Protein Bar, Salted Toffee Pretzel Protein Bar, and Chocolate Wafers.

2. White Rice

White rice, being a processed carbohydrate, lacks the nutrition found in whole grains, including protein, vitamins, and fiber. For bariatric patients whose diets are rich in refined carbs like white rice can contribute to weight gain.

Why to avoid: Lacks protein, vitamins, and fiber.
Alternative: Brown rice, grated cauliflower, and quinoa.

3. Pasta

Modern pasta is highly processed and should be avoided after weight loss surgery. It often represents “empty calories” and delivers a significant carbohydrate load with minimal fiber content.

Why to avoid: Processed and filled with empty calories.
Alternative: Spiralized zucchini, carrots, and incorporating vegetables with protein-rich foods like chicken.

4. Dairy Milk

Dairy milk can pose challenges for sleeve patients due to its lactose content, which is difficult to digest and can cause various symptoms. Additionally, its high-calorie content doesn’t promote satiety, especially since the gastric sleeve doesn’t restrict liquid intake. This can hinder weight loss efforts.

Why to avoid: Contains lactose, which is hard to digest and calorie-dense.
Alternative: Unsweetened almond milk, cashew milk, coconut milk, or lactose-free milk like Fairlife.

5. Chips

Chips, particularly potato and flavored varieties, are calorie-dense and can be hard to resist consuming in large amounts. Offering minimal nutritional benefits, these “empty calorie” snacks should be avoided post-gastric sleeve surgery.

Why to avoid: Calorie-dense with little nutritional value.
Alternative: Dry roasted nuts, homemade vegetable chips, peanut and caramel soy snacks.

6. Sugary Drinks, Juices, and Shakes

All these options are packed with sugar and offer no substantial nutrition. Even 100% fruit juice, while natural, lacks the fiber and essential vitamins found in whole fruit.

Why to avoid: Empty calories and excessive sugar.
Alternative: Protein shakes designed for bariatric patients, protein waters, sugar-free jello, broth, and unsweetened tea.

7. Sugary Coffee Drinks

Post-gastric sleeve surgery, drinks containing sugar, corn syrup, or fructose are best avoided. Specialty coffee beverages can be particularly problematic due to their hidden calories from ingredients like milk, sugar, cream, and toppings like whipped cream. They can rival milkshakes in sugar and caloric content. Additionally, caffeine can cause dehydration, so until you’re consistently consuming 64 ounces or more of sugar-free, non-caffeinated liquids, it’s best to avoid it.

Why to avoid: Hidden calories and sugar, potential dehydration risk from caffeine.
Alternative: Protein coffee drinks or making your own healthy versions at home.

8. Bread

A staggering 90% of bread available in supermarkets is not health-friendly. The majority of these breads are processed, packed with refined wheat, and offer limited nutritional benefits.

Why to avoid: Mostly processed with high refined wheat content.
Alternative: Ezekiel or other sprouted grain breads, lettuce wraps, or low-carb wraps.

9. White Potatoes

Potatoes are carb-rich with a high glycemic index. When consumed excessively, especially with added fats, they can contribute to weight gain.

Why to avoid: High carbs and glycemic index, often prepared with extra calories.
Alternative: Cauliflower, sweet potatoes, roasted radishes.

10. Fat-Free, Processed Foods

Steer clear of processed foods. While they might be cheaper than organic alternatives, your weight loss journey could hinge on making healthier choices.

Why to avoid: Lack of essential nutrients.
Alternative: Whole, unprocessed foods.

11. Sweetened Yogurt or Yogurt Drinks

While yogurt might appear healthy, it can be laden with calories and sugar. Always check the label before consuming.

Why to avoid: Often high in sugar and calories.
Alternative: Greek yogurt or other high-protein, low-sugar options.

12. High Sugar Condiments

Common condiments like ketchup, BBQ sauce, and mayonnaise can significantly increase the sugar and calorie content of an otherwise nutritious meal.

Why to avoid: Add unnecessary sugar and calories.
Alternative: Low sugar variants or naturally low-sugar options like mustard or salsa.

13. Generic Vitamins

After undergoing gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, or other bariatric surgeries, there’s a high risk of vitamin deficiencies. It’s crucial to opt for bariatric-specific vitamins instead of basic ones.

Why to avoid: Potential for deficiencies post-surgery.
Alternative: Bariatric-specialized vitamins adhering to ASMBS guidelines.

In conclusion, maintaining a proper diet after bariatric surgery is pivotal. Avoiding certain foods while embracing healthier alternatives will not only aid in weight loss but also ensure a smoother post-surgery recovery. Always consult with a nutritionist or medical professional about any dietary changes post-operation.

6 thoughts on “13 Worst Foods You MUST Avoid After Gastric Sleeve”

  1. This site its being of great help and guidance for me before and after my VSG ,vertical sleeve surgery on May/2019.
    It provides excellent advice and important information that really make my journey easier and more enjoyable. Good Job, Guys!!!

  2. I have been using the generic vitamins eating crap and I have gain weight. I am done. I am almost 2 years out and i’ve gained weight. No more. Thank you for this. I will some discounts on those items though kind of high.

  3. These are all spot on! I had the sleeve in 2015 lost 100lbs and felt great and slowly incorporated some of these things back in. The weight slowly snuck back up, only 10 lbs a year. All of a sudden before you know it back up 70 lbs.

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